Welcome to your Benefit Box!
This page contains all your insurance benefits information provided
to you by Lexus Wesley Chapel.
Scroll down and follow the two steps below to complete your
Benefits Enrollment.
Start by scheduling
a time to
complete your
Benefits Enrollment.
You have two options to complete your enrollment.
Either select a time to meet with a benefits counselor onsite or select a time to have a virtual enrollment session.
You will receive a confirmation email after scheduling with further information on attending your meeting.
Keep in mind if you select the virtual option you will need a computer to join the meeting.
You will need to have the items listed below ready in order to enroll.
- Full SSN for any dependents you wish to cover.
- Dates of birth for all dependents and beneficiaries.
Now prior to your
appointment be
sure to view or
download the
Benefits Package.
The Benefits Package contains all of the plan summaries and benefit information for the available coverages.
Download Benefits Package
You will be re-directed to a Dropbox where you can view and download all the Benefit Summaries for the coverage’s available to you.
Pet Insurance
Is now available!
Click the “More Info” button to see further plan information as well as enroll in the coverage.
Pet Insurance
You will be re-directed to the Pet Benefit site.
Take a look at our Supplemental Plans