Welcome to your Benefit Box
This page contains all your insurance benefits information provided
to you by Exit Mid-Atlantic.
Use the scheduler to make a virtual appointment with a benefit counselor who will reveiw all of the available coverages and assist you in enrolling.
Scroll down to view the available benefits.
For immediate assistance contact
Christopher Bailey – 231-350-6576 – christopherbailey@mycoastalwealth.com
Madalyn Freeman – 478-550-4470 – madalynfreeman@mycoastalwealth.com

Whole Life Insurance
Whole life insurance offered on a guaranteed issue basis up to $100,000 and includes cash value accumulation and chronic care benefits.

Disability Insurance
Disability insurance is a really
simple concept. It protects
one’s most valuable asset —
their income.
Are you kept up at night?
For real estate agents, what keeps them up at 3am? These are the topics on their minds for Protection and Wealth Building:
Cash Flow/Debt Management, Taxes, Disability Income Insurance, Life Insurance, College Funding, Creating a Retirement Stream of Income, and Long-Term Care.
You, as other real estate agents most, likely think about:
During my working years as a real estate agent, is the biggest financial risk to me: Low Commissions/Market Volatility OR Illness/Injury?
When I file my taxes each year: do I plan to get a refund OR do I owe additional money?
Is the amount of money I am saving each year: enough OR not enough?
Financial tools offering guarantees: are they attractive to me because they reduce my downside OR are they unattractive to me because they reduce my upside?
So that you don’t have to be up at 3am like other real estate agents:

Supplemental benefits compensate you directly to help with those unexpected costs related to Health events.